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Hay Festival Update

After the initial brainstorms and storyboards for an ident displaying Hay Festival's reusable cups, I got straight into testing out an idea. I thought it would be best to keep the animation simple and quick, meaning that it would loop easily and still get the concept of the cups across effectively. To do this I began to draw up two relatively simple arms holding the cups, which I would later animate, making them perform a glass clink, as if to be celebrating the festival and their sustainability.

I decided I needed to get this done as quickly as possible if I wanted to send it to the clients at Hay Festival in efficient timing. I also wanted to keep it relatively simple and ensure it animated successfully; so with this in mind I decided not to test out animating with the risograph printer at this time, as I had initially intended.

Below are the illustrations I used in the animation, which I drew in Procreate, before editing them in Photoshop and finally animating in After Effects.

This was fairly easy and quick to animate using After Effects, but it did take a fair bit of work when it came to the timings and making sure the bend in the arms didn't distort the illustration too much.

I exported it as a gif with the intentions of it continuously looping, as in the brief the client specified it must be suitable for posting on twitter. With twitter it is easy to scroll past things quickly so I felt it was important to animate something simple and eye catching that would make the audience stop and read about Hay Festival's sustainability.

Overall I am fairly happy with the final outcome and I received positive feedback from the clients at Hay Festival. I did make the suggestion of possibly adding some sort of text as the glasses meet, perhaps a confetti-like burst with the words "cheers," but I didn't want to stray too far away from the initial concept and it end up being a generic animation of clinking glasses that could be used for anything. I may try it out in the future to see how it goes, but for now I'm happy with what I have produced and feel it fits the brief.

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