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Hay Festival ident 2019

We have once again been tasked with creating another ident for Hay Festival to possibly use this spring. This year the focus is on the sustainability, with the title ‘Hay on Earth’. Hay Festival strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible and say that “sustainability is the core to the festival.” They achieve this in many ways, such as recycling 82% of the waste produced on site last year, including cardboard, plastic, paper, cans and even their cooking oil. They also composted ten tonnes of leftover food and other materials.

Last year the thing that I noticed most was the amount of re-usable cups that seemed to be circulating the festival. All hot drinks were served in green cups, which you could then put in a specific bin so that they could be reused and recycled later on. There was also the option of a small charge at the bars for a reusable cup, which then meant you could get a discount with the next drink you bought and refilled the cup with. You also got a discount when you brought your own reusable flask or hot drink cup, which I noticed was quite effective as I saw a lot of people taking up this opportunity.

With this information I decided to storyboard some potential idents promoting the sustainability of the festival. I also want it to be a lot simpler and quicker than my attempt last year, as I found I made it too complex and it didn’t look how I wanted it to.

I’ve also been influenced recently by risoprinting and I am keen to experiment with it more. I saw a couple of people making short animations using the risoprinter and I’ve decided I will give it a go. I plan on doing this by drawing out each individual frame, sort of like a more detailed storyboard, and printing them through the risoprinter. I will then import each frame onto the computer to edit them together, so that they run as a smooth animation, just as it would if you were to do traditional frame by frame animation.

Below are my initial ideas:

In terms of design, the animation will follow the general risoprint aesthetic, using the standard CMYK colour scheme and gradients to create a grainy texture. I've taken inspiration for this from several different artists and will be trying to replicate the textures and style, but to my own ideas. Below are a few of the pieces that have inspired me:

I will do an update on this project when I'm a bit further along with it!

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