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Book Arts (ILL3) - Pamphlets and Envelope Books

So, as a quick definition, an envelope book is basically what it says on the tin; a book which is made up of envelopes or pieces of paper, which is then all stitched (or bound) together to create a book. Using envelopes gives a really rustic edge to your book and is also good for adding hidden objects as they can literally go inside the envelope.

From that, you can use the envelopes as your pages and personalise your book however you please. As this was our first Book Arts lesson, I just decided to let my imagination run wild and collage whatever I found interesting or whatever popped into my head (which was sometimes a bit random, but that was the fun of it.)

Here are some images of my finished Envelope Book:

Front Cover
Pages 1/2
Pages 3/4
Pages 5/6

Mainly, this book was made up of old scraps of paper and envelopes. I then collaged images and textures together to create something visually stimulating. I suppose I have created a series of characters which all have something to say, whether it makes sense or not. The ideas for this were spur of the moment, although I am happy I worked this way.

Rather than focusing on the content of my book, I concentrated more on putting the actual book together physically. As this was my first attempt at book making, this was definitely just me testing the waters, however I'm really happy with how it came out.

*spoiler alert* I think this is my favourite way of creating a book out of all the methods we have learnt this far.

Here are some links to my Pinterest boards so that you can visually see things that inspired me during these workshops:

- Zines:

- Collage:

- Hand Lettering:

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